
NEW SCHOOL COOL: college teens party with a millennial "you guys got any beer?" *sniffs a line of pure dogecoin* "GUYS GRANDPA WANTS TO CARBO-LOAD"

NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ - It was a sight to behold when college teens at Riverdale University invited a millennial to one of their notorious shindigs this past weekend.

dogecoin party

Just when you thought Riverdale had seen it all, the evening unfolded with the millennial (or "Grandpa," as he was affectionately dubbed) snorting a line of what he believed to be pure Dogecoin. Yes, you read that right.

It all started innocently enough when the millennial, a somewhat out-of-place 38-year-old named Chad, entered the scene. "You guys got any beer?" he asked the room full of puzzled Gen Zs who were busy sipping on hard seltzers and microbrewed kombuchas. His innocent question was met with stifled laughter and incredulous looks.

Chad, undeterred by the bewildering beverages, shifted his focus to a suspicious-looking baggie on the counter. "This is some pure Dogecoin right?" He asked, hoping to fit in with the crypto-obsessed youngsters. Before anyone could stop him, Chad bent over and sniffed a line of what was actually crushed-up chalk meant for a game of billiards later that night.

As the chalk dust wafted through the air, the room erupted in laughter. Chad's attempt to fit in had turned into a moment of comedic gold. One student even managed to capture the whole thing on TikTok, and the video has since garnered over a million views, quickly becoming the talk of Riverdale University.

"GUYS, GRANDPA WANTS TO CARBO-LOAD," someone shouted from the back of the room, only to be drowned out by the laughter of his peers. As the laughter subsided, the teens decided to make the most of their unexpected guest. In an act of intergenerational camaraderie, they sat Chad down for a marathon viewing of their favorite anime shows, a foreign concept to him but one that he embraced with open arms.

In the end, despite the dogecoin snorting and craft beer confusion, the party became a bridge between two very different generations. Chad might not have understood the appeal of anime or non-alcoholic beer, but he surely had a night to remember. As for the Riverdale students, they learned a valuable lesson - never leave your billiard chalk unattended at a party.