
SHARK WEEK: new clout chasing trend has teens braving the ocean covered in chum "can you imagine how many insta followers i'll get if it rips of my freaking arm"

SUNNYDALE BEACH - A new wave of thrill-seeking teens is hitting Sunnydale's shores, and it's making the town's old guard of surfers feel like they're swimming with guppies. The latest TikTok trend, dubbed #ChumDive, sees adrenaline-addled teens diving into the ocean covered head-to-toe in fish guts and blood, all in an effort to chase that elusive viral fame.

last image of billy benson

"Yeah, it's like, totally risky," confirmed Bella, a 16-year-old with 200K followers and a newly acquired chum bikini. "But like, if I get my arm chomped off by a shark, can you imagine the clout? It's basically worth an arm and a leg - well, maybe just an arm."

Even as local authorities scramble to put an end to the madness, teens seem eager to up the ante. Social media is abuzz with new #ChumDive variations like "shark-selfie" and "fin-five." Sharks, meanwhile, have expressed confusion through a series of bemused circles and hurried swims away from the chum-covered teens.

"I've been a lifeguard for twenty years," moaned veteran beach sentinel, Terry McGarnagle. "I've seen riptides, shark sightings, and even the occasional jellyfish invasion. But teens deliberately trying to get munched by a Great White? That's a new one."

Despite the insanity, some voices of reason are trying to make themselves heard. Local marine biologist, Dr. Sarah Pool, has been using her own social media platform to educate these teens about the serious risks. "Sharks aren't toys, they're wild and dangerous creatures," she explained. "And they really, really do not like the taste of teenagers. Too much Axe Body Spray."

In a world where 'do it for the 'Gram' has taken a sinister, shark-infested turn, only one thing is for sure - if these teens keep it up, the follower count won't be the only thing seeing a sharp increase. Local prosthetic sales could be in for a record-breaking summer.