

Damn, wasn't it just Mother's Day like two minutes ago? Whatever, we at teen news know damn well you haven't bought anything yet, so we've personally partnered with Amazon's Jeff Bezos and his drones to deliver whatever useless shit your dad doesn't want this year.

5) Magazines - Shop Amazon - Father's Day Sale: Up to 83% Off on Top Men's Magazines

For the people who have fathers with a fetish for the experience of waiting in doctor's offices.

4) Gift Cards - Shop Amazon - Father's Day Gift Cards - Free Gift Box and One-Day Shipping

Well, if you have any siblings you can definitely rank up in terms of "kid most likely to be sacrificed to some pagan god" by getting your Dad a gift card.  Some people are into that though, so, I mean, it's something.

3) Electronics - Shop Amazon - Electronics Father's Day Gift Guide

Keep in mind your dad was born when Rock N Roll could actually get you laid and iPhones didn't even exist.  Electronics aren't a bad gift, but your old man will most likely give up on figuring the thing out and you'll end up overpaying for a dusty bedroom decoration.

2) Watches - Shop Amazon - Take 25% Off - Father's Day Watch Savings

Great idea guy! Let's get the oldest dude I know a device that let's him known just how much fucking older he's getting by the second.

1) Car Supplies - Shop Amazon - Save Up to 45% on Automotive Gifts for Dad

Cars are the ultimate method of transportation for dads.  They take them to Home Depot and back on the reg.  Go ahead and buy your dad some bullshit car supplies.