

Thanks to the insanely brave efforts of John Cusack there is still a New Jersey, a United States, and yes even the world.  However, the untold story of a now 19 year old who claims to have assisted Mr. Cusack from afar reveals his story a year after the fact.

ATLANTIC CITY, NJ - It often takes time for the greatest stories to get told.  We all knew Ronald Reagan was responsible for fixing Jimmy Carter's mess and getting most of the hostages out of the Middle East during the 80s, but who knew Ben Affleck was responsible for a handful of them?

As the Mayan Calendar threatened to take away Christmas from the American people a previously unknown teen vowed to stop it by any means necessary.  "I just told everybody it was bullshit and everybody seemed to agree."  How does one find the courage reminiscent of the great Martin Luther King Jr. to stand up for what is right even against great trepidation? "I didn't do anything and what you're saying John Cusack did isn't real."

John Cusack isn't real? Nevermind, everyone from New Jersey literally sucks.

man of the century

25 Days of Christmas
December 1st Advent Calendars
December 2nd Holiday Decorating
December 3rd WTF Happened To The Radio Part 1
December 4th Christmas Trees Are Just Plants
December 5th Hanukkah In Review
December 6th "Happy Holidays"
December 7th Ebay Christmas Ornaments
December 8th Dear Santa,
December 9th Holiday Drinks
December 10th Pumpkin Spice Latte VS. Peppermint Mocha Frappuccino
December 11th Snow Blows
December 12nd XXX-Mas
December 13th Desolation of Smaug (Christmas)
December 14th WTF Happened To The Radio Part 2
December 15th Wait, Christmas Is Religious AF
December 16th Rudolph - The Ginger Reindeer
December 17th What To Get Your Girlfriend For Christmas
December 18th Chlamydia - The Real Grinch
December 19th Why You Want To Be On The Naughty List
December 20th Christmas Movies...That Will Get You Laid
December 21st Looking Back At The End Of The World
December 22nd Stocking Stuffers (NSFW)
December 23rd Last Second Gifts
December 24th Twas The Night Before Christmas
December 25th Merry F****** Christmas