

In life you’re either alpha and swimming in pussy or you’re beta and will never know the touch of a woman. While there are all types of beta’s out there one kind in particular stands out amongst the rest…the friendzoned fool. They may appear somewhat alpha at first glance (because they’re spending time with bitches) but they could never be farther from it. In love with girls who are repulsed by them physically, but enjoy the company cause “he’s so nice and isn’t creepy at all!” (actual quote btw). Below are 4 REAL facebook screenshots of men being publicly humiliated by the female who has trapped the friendzone

#1. Good lord what do we have here…. It seems like this kid was convinced that it would be a good idea to paint his gal pal’s toe nails during class. Not only did he do this in front of the other kids at school, but luckily for us, someone was able to snap a picture of this heinous act and then immortalized it via facebook, thank you. 

#2. Equipped with what appears to be meme-glasses and a bouquet of flowers, this dude just embarrassed men everywhere. Flowers are sus as fuck and thats a fact, but this teen BOUGHT them for a girl who he ISNT EVEN BANGING. Like wtf, it doesn’t get much more pathetic than that folks.

#3. Oh damn, this kid had a girlfriend at one point *starts golf clap* but I guess after she broke his heart he went back to his beta ways and reacted to her new relationship in the most pussy way possible…He found joy in that classic bullshit line “we can still be friends.” Smh, fuck that shit! He should be out there locating his next slam piece, but instead he’s on facebook and probably jacking off to the old pictures of him and her together…redefining beta one comment at a time.

#4.  This is just the ultimate, not only did this teen have a “friendly” sleep-over with some girl and not even try to make a move on that booty, but someone called him out for it in the comments! This commenting dude (obviously alpha af) was just trying to help his loser friend out, but the girl who took the picture solidified the kids fate and responded with the words no man ever wants to hear. This truly was a sad day for men across the globe.