It's safe too say 2013 was a great year for sluts all across the planet, from Miley Cyrus twerking half naked every chance she got, too Justin Beiber having sex with any willing prostitute in South America. But one aspect of this overly sexual year that can't be overlooked is the thirsty text message, which can be defined as someone who desperate for a sexual partner and has no shame in showing that via phone messaging. So us at Teen News compiled a list of the 5 thirstiest text messages of 2013 for you to laugh, cringe, and lose faith in humanity with....your welcome.
1. The "Planning for the Future" Thirst
2. The "Damn Bitch you got no Shame" Thirst
3. The "Holy Shit I'm Horny" Thirst
4. The "Obsessed After Our One Night Stand" Thirst
5. The "I'm a Shame to Feminists Everywhere" Thirst